Constants > Physics > Subatomic Particles

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Magnetic Moment Ratio, Deuteron-Proton µdp 0.3070122035(51) 
Magnetic Moment Ratio, Electron to Shielded Helion (gas, sphere, 25°C) µe/µ'h 864.058255(10) 
Magnetic Moment Ratio, Electron to Shielded Proton (H2O, sphere, 25°C) µe/µ'p -658.2275954(71) 
Magnetic Moment Ratio, Electron-Deuteron µed -2143.923498(23) 
Magnetic Moment Ratio, Electron-Muon µeµ 206.7669720(63) 
Magnetic Moment Ratio, Electron-Neutron µen 960.92050(23) 
Magnetic Moment Ratio, Electron-Proton µep -658.2106875(66) 
Magnetic Moment Ratio, Muon-Proton µµp -3.18334539(10) 
Magnetic Moment Ratio, Neutron to Shielded Proton (H2O, sphere, 25°C) µn/µ'p -0.68499694(16) 
Magnetic Moment Ratio, Neutron-Electron µne 1.04066882(25) × 10-3 

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