Constants > Physics > Subatomic Particles

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Neutron to Shielded Proton Magnetic Moment Ratio (H2O, sphere, 25°C) µn/µ'p -0.68499694(16) 
Neutron-Electron Magnetic Moment Ratio µne 1.04066882(25) × 10-3 
Neutron-Electron Mass Ratio mn/me 1.8386836550(40) 
Neutron-Muon Mass Ratio mn/mµ 8.89248478(27) 
Neutron-Proton Magnetic Moment Ratio µnp -0.68497934(16) 
Neutron-Proton Mass Ratio mn/mp 1.00137841887(58) 
Neutron-Tau Mass Ratio mn/mτ 0.528722(86) 
Proton Charge to Mass Quotient e/mp 9.57883408(38) × 107 C kg-1
Proton Compton Wavelength h/mpc λC,p 1.321409847(10) × 10-15 m
Proton g-Factor 2µpN gp 5.585694675(57) 

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