Constants > Miscellaneous

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Absolute Zero -273.15 ° C
Air, Critical Temperature of -190 °C
183 K
Air, Density of 0.7734 m3 kg-1
1.2929 kg m-3
Air, Viscosity of (20°C) η0 1.8 × 10-5 N s m-2
Atmospheric Pressure 1.01325 × 105 N m-2
1.01325 bar
14.7 lbf in-2
Carbon-14 Half-life of T 5570 years
Conductance, Quantized Hall e2/h 3.87404614 × 10-5 S
Constant, Fermi Coupling GF/(ħc)3 1.16639(1) × 10-5 GeV-2
Constant, Gas R 8.314 J K-1 mol-1
Constant, Verdet's (Light at 589nm in water) 0.000477 rad A-1

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